السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
في هذا الدرس سوف اشرح لكم
الفرق بين استخدام has/have been v ing وَ has/have + past participle
تستخدم الصيغة has/have + been + verb + ing
حينما يكون ذكر الوقت أهم من أي شيء آخر
أمثلة :
استغرق أداء واجبه المنزلي ساعتين--- He has been doing his homework for two hours
لاحظ .. أضفنا ing للفعل do من أجل القاعدة
تستخدم الصيغة has/have + pastparticiple
حينما يكون ذكر عدد الشيء الذي تم انجازه في وقت ما أهم من أي شيء آخر
مثال :
قمنا بأداء خمسة تمارين---We have done five exercises
لاحظ .. استخدمنا التصريف الثالث done للفعل do
نلاحظ هنا بالاضافة إلى الفاعل في صيغة الجمع have تأتي مع I, you, they, we , has تأتي مع he, she, it بالاضافة إلى الفاعل في صيغة المفرد .
Present perfect continuous, form
The present perfect continuous is made up of two elements
the present perfect of the verb 'to be
(have/has been), and
the present participle of the main verb (,,,,+ing)
Subject has/have been ,,,,+ing
has been swimming
She has been / She's been
She hasn't been
Has she been
Interrogative negative
Hasn't she been
Example: to live, present perfect continuous
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have been living
I haven't been living
? Have I been living
You have been living
Have I been living
?Have you been living
He, she, it has been living
He hasn't been living
?Has she been living
We have been living
We haven't been living
?Have we been living
You have been living
You haven't been living
?Have you been living
They have been living
They haven't been living
?Have they been living
Present perfect continuous, function
The present perfect continuous refers to an unspecified time between
'before now' and 'now
The speaker is thinking about something that started but
perhaps did not finish in that period of time
He/she is interested in the process as well as the result
and this process may still be going on, or may have just finished
1. A
Actions that started in the past and continue in the present
She has been waiting for you all day
(=and she's still waiting now)
I've been working on this report since eight o'clock this morning
(=and I still haven't finished it)
They have been travelling since last October
(=and they're not home yet)
Actions that have just finished, but we are interested in the results
She has been ,,,,ing since last night
(=and the food on the table looks delicious)
It's been raining (= and the streets are still wet)
Someone's been eating my chips (= half of them have gone)
Verbs without continuous forms
With verbs not normally used in the continuous form, use the present perfect simple
See list of these verbs under 'Present Continuous
.I've wanted to visit China for years
.She's known Robert since she was a child
.I've hated that music since I first heard it
.I've heard a lot about you recently
.We've understood everything we've heard this morningالمصدر: منتديات الخير - من قسم: اللغات الاجنبيةHsjo]hl hasLhave been v+ing has or have ing
تسلم الايادي
جزاك الله خيرا
شكرا موضوع رائع ومفيد
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
^-^ جميع آلمشآركآت آلمكتوبهـ تعبّر عن وجهة نظر صآحبهآ ,, ولا تعبّر بأي شكلـ من آلأشكآل عن وجهة نظر إدآرة آلمنتدى ~